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Story of Tieguanyin

Story of Tieguanyin

During the reign of Qianlong emperor in the Qing Dynasty, there was a tea farmer named Wei Yin 魏饮 at An Xi, Fu Jian. Wei was an excellent tea maker and also a sincere Buddhist. Every morning and evening, he will brew 3 cups of tea for Guanyin, the goddess of mercy. This habit has continued for 10 years long.


One night, he dreamed and saw a tea tree full with orchid scent on the cliff. When he was about to pick the tea leaves off, he heard a loud dog bark and woke up. The next day, he went to the cliff and found the same tree he used to see in the dream! He quickly picked some leaves and brought it back home to make tea.


The result was so amazing! Not only high in fragrance, but the taste of the tea is also refreshing, fresh and with sweet after taste. Wei believes that this tea is the king among tea. He transplanted the tree near his house and grew it whole-heartedly. The tea made by this tree is as heavy as iron and as beautiful as Guanyin. Hence, Wei decided to call this tea Tieguanyin铁观音. [*Tie means iron in Chinese.] It is also to memorial Guanyin who granted him a good dream and let him found this tree.

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