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WUYI ROCK TEA – SHUI JIN GUI (100G) 武夷岩茶-水金龟

S$ 65.50 SGD
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The tea from Wu Yi is one of the finest tea type in the world. Shui Jin Gui is a middle fermentation tea with a mellow taste like Tieguanyin and the fragrance of Green tea. It is fresh, mellow, and fragrance.

The name of Shui Jin Gui, start at the end of the Qing Dynasty. It has become famous because of an expensive public prosecution. The tea tree is origin Tian Xin Yan. One day, the heavy rainfall has caused the tea tree being washed away till Niu Lan Keng. These 2 parties have provoked a prosecution for the belonging of this tea in 1919-1920. After the prosecution, Shui Jin Gui becomes famous and be praised as one of the Four Finest Tea.

武夷奇茗冠天下,水金龟属半发酵茶,有铁观音之甘醇 , 又有绿茶之清香,具鲜活、甘醇、清雅与芳香等特色,是茶中珍品。

水金龟之名,传闻始于清末,因引起公诉耗资千金而出名。该树有原 产于牛栏坑杜葛峰下半岩上,原属天心庙产,一日倾盆大雨,峰顶茶园边岸崩塌,此茶被水冲到牛栏坑近坑底的半岩石凹年停住,后水流成沟于树侧流下,当时兰谷岩主于该处设阶砌筑石围,雍土蓄之,此为水金龟命名的渊源。在1919-1920年曾引起诉讼,双方耗千金,自此水金龟更名声大振,列为四大名丛之一。



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