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TAETEA 大益 – 7542 (1901)

S$ 168.00 SGD
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Not only has a long history, but 7542 is also the largest amount of raw Pu’er tea produced by Menghai Tea Factory. It is a traditional formula and the benchmark of raw Pu’er tea. With the formula of the year 1975, grade 4 tea leaves, mainly bold and sturdy tea leaves inside, young and tender tea leaves on the surface. The speciality of 7542 is the realm of balance, consistency, and harmony. 7542 using the formula invented in 1975 which has been used continuously for 40 years. Its position is unchallengeable even though Taetea keeps released new, classic tea formula. It can also be considered as a family heirloom of Taetea. 7542 <1901> using the traditional packaging, white color as the base, and Taetea red as main with a hint of champion blue. “First place第一名” words were printed at the left of the center. And “Zhong Hua Lao Zi Hao中华老字号” at the right of the center. Clear and easy to be seen.

The liquid is bright orange-yellow, obvious long-lasting floral and fruity aroma. The strong aroma stays longer at the bottom of the cup. A stable structure that can satisfy your smell desire. Compared with other 7542 tea, we can say this is the champion among them. 【First Brew】Refreshing and sweet, light astringent, obvious floral and fruity aroma. 【Second, Third Brew】The sweet aroma blend in the liquid, slightly astringent but disappear fast, good for the promotion of saliva secretion. 【Fourth, Fifth Brew】The taste truly appears, full of layering, average mellow and thick, fast sweet after taste, full of fruit and floral fragrance, very refreshing. 【Sixth, Seventh Brew】Multiple layering sensation, long-lasting sweet after taste and salivating, taste sweet and mellow. 【Eighth, Ninth Brew】Pure sweet aroma, taste sweet, mellow, salivating. Those who taste Pu’er tea for the first time must love this sweet and refreshing taste. 【After Brew】Sweet and comfortable.

7542 raw tea is indeed the first choice of raw Pu’er tea for everyone.

[How To Brew]

Ratio: 1g Tea Leaves : 30ml Water

Water Temperature: 85-90°C

[Brewing Time]

First Brew: 25 seconds

Second Brew: 25 seconds

Third Brew: 30 seconds

*Due to the recent market price fluctuations, please contact us directly if you are interested in buying more than 1 piece.

7542历史尤为悠久,亦是勐海茶厂出产量最大的青饼,是传统唛号,是普洱生茶标杆。1975年的配方,4级的茶青,主要是以肥壮茶青为里,幼嫩的芽叶为撒面,7542最主要的特点是平衡、一致、和谐的境界。 7542是1975年研发出来的配方,到至今已经持续生产了40余年,即使现在大益频出经典,但是7542在普洱茶界的地位是不可撼动的,亦算得上是大益的传家宝了。 7542 <1901> 是传统版面,颜色主要以那一抹冠军蓝与大益红组成,白色为低,“第一名”印于中左部,“中华老字号”印于中右部,简洁清晰一目了然。

汤色橙黄明亮,花果香显,馥郁持久,公道杯、杯底香高且持久,舒适合宜。稳定的结构,满足嗅觉的欲望,与过往7542的碰撞,这是1901批7542,状元之饼。 【第一泡】 入口清甜,苦涩轻,显花果香; 【第2、3泡】 甜香伴于茶汤中,略苦涩但是不留口,生津韵清; 【第4、5泡】 滋味真正显现出来,汤质有层次感,醇厚均衡,稠度尚可,水路甘甜,稍苦涩但是转化快不留口,花果香馥郁,回甘快而生津持久,茶韵清晰; 【第6、7泡】 口感细腻,有层次感,持续生津回甘,茶汤甜润; 【第8、9泡】 入口甜润,口腔生津,而甜香纯正,初尝普洱的茶客,必定会喜欢这样甜爽的口感滋味,惬意~ 【尾水】 甘甜舒适 “7542”生茶标杆原有的口感体验,众人之选。


1克茶叶 : 30毫升水
水温: 85-90度


第一泡 : 25秒
第二泡 : 25秒
第三泡 : 30秒






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